On Wednesday, August 14th, clergy and faithful from the Northeast Conference gathered at the Dormition of the Theotokos parish in Greensboro for Great Vespers of the feast. The service, which included both an Artoklasia and the chanting of the Dormition Encomia, was presided over by His Grace Bishop +SEVASTIANOS of Zela.
Participating clergy included: Rev. Fr. Sarantis Loulakis (Dormition of the Theotokos/Greensboro & Conference Vicar) V Rev. Fr. Stavroforos Mamaies (St. Barbara/Durham) Fr. Demetri Kangelaris (Interim, Annunciation/Winston Salem) Fr. Jerry Hall (Retired, Holy Trinity Cathedral/Charlotte) Rev. Fr. Paul Christy (Holy Trinity/Raleigh) V. Rev. Fr. Anton Frunza (St. George/High Point) Rev. Fr. Jonathan Resmini (Holy Trinity Cathedral/Charlotte) Rev. Fr. Andreas Houpos (St. Nektarios/Charlotte) Fr. Robert Lawrence (St. Luke Mooresville) Fr. Gregory Waynick (Holy Trinity/Raleigh) Fr. Sean Govotses (St. Katherine/Burlington) Deacon Chris Burdette (Annunciation/Winston Salem).
May our Holy Lady, the Theotokos, always intercede for us to our Lord.