Bible Bowl Chairman Fr. Alex Kamilaris St. Mark Greek Orthodox Church Boca Raton, FL
2022 Bible Bowl Champions
Holy Trinity Augusta, GA
Winter Youth Rally 2023
Theme: The Gospel According to Saint John Study Guide
Bible Bowl Teams can have up to six players.
This Study Guide is to help prepare for the Bible Bowl Contest, which will occur during the Atlanta Metropolis Winter Youth Rally on December 27-30.
In Addition to this Study Guide, the participants are to use only the Orthodox Study Bible (as this is the translation that is being used) and become familiar with the information provided in the footnotes or in the short theological commentaries, which are also found in the Orthodox Study Bible, in the pages in-between the New Testament Text and are related to the selected verses. This includes any feast day explanations and/or any information written in the pages leading up to the start of the Gospel verses and that are found throughout the Gospel of John.
In simpler terms, read the introduction to the Gospel of Saint John until the last page of this book; anything within these pages can be used to formulate competition questions.
Registered Teams
Annunciation Winston-Salem, NC
Annunciation Winston-Salem, NC
Holy Trinity Charleston, SC
Sts. Raphael, Nicholas, and Irene Cumming, GA
Sts. Raphael, Nicholas, and Irene Cumming, GA
Holy Trinity-Holy Cross Birmingham, AL
Holy Trinity-Holy Cross Birmingham, AL
Holy Trinity-Holy Cross Birmingham, AL
Annunciation Mobile, AL
St. Katherine Naples, FL
St. Nicholas Spartanburg, SC
St. Mark Boca Raton, FL
St. Mark Boca Raton, FL
St. Mark Boca Raton, FL
St. Mark Boca Raton, FL
St. Mark Boca Raton, FL
St. Mark Boca Raton, FL
St. Mark Boca Raton, FL
St. Nicholas Wilmington, NC
Holy Trinity Asheville, NC
Holy Transfiguration Marietta, GA
Holy Transfiguration Marietta, GA
Holy Transfiguration Marietta, GA
Holy Transfiguration Marietta, GA
Holy Transfiguration Marietta, GA
Holy Trinity Cathedral Charlotte, NC
Holy Trinity Cathedral Charlotte, NC
Holy Trinity Cathderal Charlotte, NC
Holy Trinity Augusta, GA
Holy Trinity Augusta, GA
Annunciation Cathedral Atlanta, GA
Annunciation Cathedral Atlanta, GA
Annunciation Cathedral Atlanta, GA
St. John the Divine Jacksonville, FL
St. George Cathedral Greenville, SC
St. George Cathedral Greenville, SC
St. George Cathedral Greenville, SC
St. George Cathedral Greenville, SC
St. George Cathedral Greenville, SC
St. George Cathedral Greenville, SC
St. George Cathedral Greenville, SC
Holy Trinity Clearwater, FL
St. George Knoxville, TN
St. George Knoxville, TN
St. George Knoxville, TN
St. George Knoxville, TN
Holy Trinity Raleigh, NC
Holy Trinity Raleigh, NC
Holy Trinity Asheville, NC
Bible Bowl Teams can be added until December 27, 2023!